Ureshino Onsen Guide

Ureshino Onsen is one of the representative onsen resorts in Saga Prefecture.

The greatest feature of Ureshino Onsen is the quality of its Onsen water, which, along with Hinoue Onsen in Shimane Prefecture and Kitsuregawa Onsen in Tochigi Prefecture, is regarded as one of the three best Onsens for beautiful skin in Japan.

The water of Ureshino Onsen is a slightly tepid bicarbonate spring. The bicarbonate spring water, which exfoliates the skin and improves blood circulation, is also called “beauty water” or “hot water for beautiful skin,” and has very excellent efficacy.

Ureshino Onsen has been loved by many people since ancient times and is known for its very long history. In an ancient Japanese document called “Hizen Fudoki,” Ureshino Onsen was mentioned in history as far back as 713 AD.

Ureshino Onsen also appeared in various travelogues and records, and became well known to people during the Edo period (1603-1868).

Since the Edo period, Ureshino has developed as an inn town, and even today, there are still buildings and landscapes that remind us of the atmosphere of the times. The experience of soaking in a famous Onsen while looking at the scenery that retains the vestiges of the times will relieve you of daily stress and make your trip a memorable one.

In each Onsen resort area, you can enjoy a wide range of Onsens, from footbaths and day-trip Onsens to spots where you can fully enjoy nature.

In addition to Ureshino Onsen, Ureshino City is also famous for its green tea known as Ureshino-cha and Hizen Yoshida-yaki, a traditional Japanese pottery. Around the Onsen resort, there are many places where you can enjoy Ureshino City to your heart's content, such as sweets made from Ureshino tea, souvenirs, pottery classes, and so on.

If you visit Ureshino Onsen, you will be able to enjoy a wide range of things from Onsens, history, culture to gourmet food.

Get to know Ureshino Onsen

Area guide

Ureshino City in Saga Prefecture, where Ureshino Onsen is located, is very attractive for its rich nature and historical townscape.

Vast tea fields of Ureshino Tea, a specialty of Ureshino City, are spread out in various parts of Ureshino City, and the carefully prepared deep green scene is a perfect location that attracts many tourists. The sight of the green leaves swaying in the wind is beautiful and will make you feel peaceful.

It is also recommended to enjoy eating Ureshino tea, a specialty of the area, and other sweets made from tea.

On the other hand, walking through the town, you will see a scene that makes you feel as if you have stepped back in time.

The area known as Shiotazu retains the architectural style of the Edo period and was selected as an “Important Preservation District for Groups of Traditional Buildings” in 2005.

In order to preserve the history of Shiodatsu, which flourished as an inn town, repairs were made to damaged areas. Today, the town has regained its former appearance, and visitors can stroll through the historic streets lined with stately “izuraya” houses covered in plaster on both sides of the well-prepared stone pavement.

The actual waterway that used to flow through the area also allows visitors to see the remnants of Shiodatsu, which flourished as a river port.

Enjoy the peaceful scenery and historic townscape, and refresh your body after a long day of walking in the Onsen. Ureshino Onsen is a Onsen resort where you can experience such an exquisite trip.

In the Onsen resort area, there is a public bathhouse “Siebold's Bath” where you can casually drop in and take a bath at a reasonable price. Furthermore, there is a footbath near Siebold's Bath that can be used free of charge 24 hours a day, allowing you to enjoy the skin beautifying effects of Ureshino Onsen at a reasonable price.

Since locals and tourists also visit this footbath, it is a good idea to mingle with other people while warming your feet.


Ureshino City is located in the Kyushu region of Japan, in the southwestern part of Saga Prefecture.

It is located far from Tokyo, the main gateway to Japan, and although it may seem to take a long time to travel, it is easily accessible.

There are various ways to access Ureshino Onsen, including airplanes, bullet trains, and trains.

When traveling from Tokyo to Ureshino Onsen, airplanes are the quickest way to get there. Major airports include Kyushu Saga International Airport and Nagasaki Airport. The quickest access is from Haneda Airport to Nagasaki Airport, which takes about 1 hour and 50 minutes. After that, a cab and the Shinkansen bullet train will take you to Ureshino Onsen in a little over 2 hours.

In September 2022, the West Kyushu Shinkansen Line will also open, making access to Ureshino Onsen from various directions smoother.

From Tokyo

<Airplane>Haneda Airport→Nagasaki Airport→<Taxi>Shin-Omura Station→Shinkansen→Ureshino Onsen Station (about 2 hours and 10 minutes)
<Haneda Airport→Kyushu-Saga International Airport→Bus→Saga Station Bus Center→Saga Station→Express→Takeo Onsen Station→Shinkansen→Ureshino Onsen Station (about 4 hours and 10 minutes)

From Nagoya

<Shinkansen Nagoya Station → Hakata Station → <Express> Saga Station → Hizen Kashima Station → <Bus> Ureshino Onsen Station (about 11 hours and 10 minutes)

From Osaka

<Shinkansen Shin-Osaka → Shin-Tosu Station → <Express>Takeo Onsen Station → <Shinkansen>Ureshino Onsen Station (about 3 hours and 50 minutes)

Water quality

The quality of Ureshino Onsen is “bicarbonate spring”, also known as “sodium bicarbonate spring”.

The bicarbonate spring is a typical spring that makes the skin smooth after bathing, and is called “hot water for beautiful skin” or “hot water for beautiful women. The clear, colorless, smooth spring water is very popular among women, and it exfoliates the skin, leaving it smooth and fine-textured.

The temperature at the time of pumping up the Onsen is nearly 100°C. The pH of the spring is slightly alkaline (7.5-8.5). There are 17 sources of the spring, and the amount of hot water gushes out abundantly, amounting to 2,500 tons per day.

The bicarbonate of soda spring water easily evaporates from the surface of the skin during bathing, leaving the skin feeling refreshed. On the other hand, after bathing, the skin tends to dry out easily, making it important to keep the skin moisturized.

The main benefits include muscle pain, joint pain, neuralgia, cuts, sensitivity to cold, frozen shoulders, and skin diseases.

The hot water of Ureshino Onsen is said to be effective against gastrointestinal diseases when drunk, and can be consumed at licensed facilities. If you wish to drink the Onsen water, it is advisable to check with the facilities before taking a bath.


The history of Ureshino Onsen is very old, and it has been recognized by people as far back as 713 AD, as described in the “Hizen Province Fudoki,” an ancient Japanese document. In the description, it is written that Ureshino Onsen heals people's illnesses, which shows that the efficacy of Ureshino Onsen has been loved by people.

It is said that Ureshino Onsen was actually opened even further back in the 200s A.D., which is characteristic of its very long history. There is an episode that a wounded soldier soaked in the Onsen and his wound was healed, which made the Empress happy.

Although there are various theories, it is said that the birth of the name “Ureshino” is based on this episode.

In 1812, Siebold, a famous German physician, wrote about the quality of Ureshino Onsen in his “Edo Sambu Kiko (Travels to Edo)” in detail.

Gradually, Ureshino Onsen developed as an inn town and gradually became widely known, and in 1987, Emperor Showa stayed at Ureshino Onsen, making Ureshino Onsen very well known.

Today, Ureshino Onsen has been selected as one of the three best Onsens for beautiful skin in Japan, and the Onsen water of Ureshino Onsen is highly appreciated by many people.

In addition to Onsens, Ureshino City has specialty products such as Japanese tea and ceramics that have been handed down through the years along with its history.

Japanese tea, a specialty of Ureshino City, known as Ureshino-cha, has been cultivated for more than 500 years.

Ureshino-cha, with its strong aroma and flavor, is one of the most popular green teas and has won awards at national tea fairs for five consecutive years. Carefully cultivated Ureshino tea can be purchased at souvenir shops around Ureshino Onsen.

Ureshino's ceramics also have a long history and are a very attractive specialty.

Hizen Yoshida-yaki pottery, famous in the region, has a history of more than 400 years and is characterized by its design. The designs have been refined with the changing times and have many fans, making it a popular specialty as a travel souvenir.

From Onsens to local specialties and crafts, you will be able to experience a lot of history in Ureshino Onsen.
