Nasu Onsen Guide

Nasu Onsen is a general name for Onsen resorts scattered on the slopes of Mt. Chausu in the northwestern part of Nasu Town, located about 180 km from Tokyo, about halfway between Tokyo and Sendai.

Mt. Chausu in the Nasu Federation, which is still active today, is the only active volcano in Tochigi Prefecture, and 11 Onsen resorts called "Nasu 11 Onsens" that have naturally gushed out in the vast foothills of Mt. Chausu are collectively called Nasu Onsen. It has a long history, and it is said that it was discovered in 1390, and it seems that it has been popular as a Onsen resort for many people visiting from afar for quite a long time.

The vast foothills of Mt. Chausu are called the Nasu Highlands, and not only agriculture but also dairy farming is actively carried out. Due to the cool and comfortable climate in summer, it has been developed as a villa area and resort area, and is now famous as a summer resort. Since the Imperial Residence where the Imperial Family retreats is also located in Nasu, it is highly recognized as a royal resort along with Hayama and Shimoda, and is known as a presence that stands out from other resort areas.

In addition to Onsens, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery that changes with the seasons, there are many theme parks that make the most of nature, and there are many historical sites, so it is popular with various generations.

It is easily accessible from Tokyo, and it takes a little over two hours by car or train, which is one of the reasons why it is gaining popularity as a resort area where you can easily enjoy it.

Get to know Nasu Onsen

Area guide

Nasu Onsen is located on the border of Fukushima Prefecture, the northernmost part of Tochigi Prefecture, about 180 km from Tokyo.

The plateau that spreads at the foot of the vast mountain range of Mt. Chausu, the main peak of the Nasu mountain range, the only active volcano in Tochigi Prefecture that is still active, is called Nasu Kogen, and it is a Onsen resort that collectively refers to the 11 Onsen resorts scattered in this wide area.

The famous "Nasu Seven Onsens" are the seven springs of Shika-no-yu, Kaohsiung, Hachiman, Benten, Kita, Daimaru, and Santo-ya, to which Asahi, Iimori, Guo Gong, and Daimaru were added, and are now called "Nasu Eleven-yu".

Since the climate of Nasu Kogen is cool and comfortable in summer, development as a summer resort and resort area is progressing, and there are many villas and hotels, and there are many leisure facilities for guests.

In addition, the imperial residence where the imperial family rests is also located in Nasu Kogen, so it is a place that is respected as a royal resort area along with Hayama and Shimoda, and is gaining popularity.

In addition to agriculture, dairy farming is also thriving on the plateau, and there are many ranches, and there are commercial facilities attached to the ranch, and you can enjoy special gourmet foods such as freshly caught dairy products, meat, and processed meats along with Onsens.

Between the nearest Nasushiobara Station and Kuroiso Station to Nasu Kogen, you can see many fashionable cafes, restaurants, and shops that use former villa houses. Perhaps because dairy farming is thriving, the slightly European atmosphere is one of the attractions.

In fact, this Nasu Kogen is located in Nikko National Park, and the beautiful scenery of the four changing seasons is one of the highlights. In 2011, the Ministry of the Environment took over a part of the forest in the Imperial Residence and opened it to the public as the "Nasu Heisei Forest", so that you can enjoy the rich nature even more.

In addition, there are many leisure facilities and outdoor facilities that use nature in the wide plateau.

In addition, perhaps because it has been a place where people come and go since ancient times, there are many historical sites and ancient temples, and there are many places that combine with magnificent nature to create a spectacular landscape, and it is a place that can be enjoyed by men and women of all ages.


From Tokyo

< Shinkansen / Train / Bus >
Tokyo Station (Tohoku Shinkansen Nasuno) → Nasushiobara Station / Nasushiobara Station West Exit (Route Bus) → Nasu Yumoto (about 2 hours 40 minutes)


< Train/Bus >
Tokyo Station (JR Utsunomiya Line) → Utsunomiya Station (JR Utsunomiya Line) → Nasushiobara Station / Nasushiobara Station West Exit (route bus) → Nasu Yumoto (about 2 hours 50 minutes)


< Bus >
Tokyo Station (JR Chuo Line) → Shinjuku Station West Exit (Highway Bus) → Nasu Onsen (about 4 hours 15 minutes)


From Sendai

< Shinkansen / Train / Bus >
Tokyo Station (Tohoku Shinkansen Yamabiko) → Nasushiobara Station / Nasushiobara Station West Exit (route bus) → Nasu Yumoto (about 2 hours 20 minutes)


< Shinkansen / Train / Bus >
Nagoya Station (Tokaido Shinkansen Nozomi) → Tokyo Station (Tohoku Shinkansen Nasuno) → Nasushiobara Station / Nasushiobara Station West Exit (route bus) → Nasu Yumoto (about 4 hours 10 minutes)


From Osaka

< Shinkansen / Train / Bus >
Osaka Station (Tokaido Shinkansen Nozomi) → Tokyo Station (Tohoku Shinkansen Nasuno) → Nasushiobara Station / Nasushiobara Station West Exit (route bus) → Nasu Yumoto (about 5 hours)


Water quality

There are five types of springs: simple springs (simple alkaline springs), sulfur springs, sodium springs (chloride springs), sulfate springs, and bicarbonate springs (baking soda springs).

Indications generally include autonomic instability, insomnia, depressive state, rheumatoid arthritis, osteopathic disorders, low back pain, neuralgia, frozen shoulder, bruises, sprains and other chronic stages, muscle stiffness in motor paralysis, muscle pain, sensitivity to cold, peripheral circulatory disorders, stomach upset, mild hypertension, glucose intolerance disorder, mild hypercholesterolemia, mild asthma, emphysema, hemorrhoidal pain, sleep disorder, post-illness recovery period, fatigue recovery, health promotion effect, It is said to be effective for chronic skin diseases.

Simple spring (simple alkaline spring)

It can be expected to be effective mainly for general indications, neuralgia, muscle pain, joint pain, frozen shoulder, motor paralysis, joint stiffness, bruises, sprains, chronic digestive diseases, hemorrhoids, sensitivity to cold, recovery from illness, recovery from fatigue, and health promotion. It is odorless, colorless, and transparent, and the ingredients contained are thin and mildly irritating, making it easy for the elderly to enter.

Sulfur springs

It is characterized by hydrogen sulfide gas (Onsen-like smell) and is highly irritating, and if it is not aroused, it can cause poisoning. It is mainly effective for high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, chronic skin diseases, gynecological diseases, muscle pain, joint pain, hemorrhoids, etc., but drinking Onsens can be expected to be effective for constipation, diabetes, and gout.

Sodium springs (chloride springs)

Salt is the main ingredient, and it is a salty chloride spring that is salty when drunk and bitter when dense. It is said to have a trauma healing effect such as sterilization. It prevents sweat from evaporating and warms up well, making it suitable for the elderly. It can be expected to have effects such as muscle and joint pain, bruises, sprains, sensitivity to cold, and recovery after illness.

Sulfate springs

It is a Onsen whose main component is sulfate of alkali metals and alkaline earth metals. It prevents arteriosclerosis and is called "medium wind bath". It is said to be effective for diabetes, chronic skin diseases, bruises, sprains, and muscle and joint pain. Nitrate is good for high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, and trauma, and bathing and drinking can be expected to be effective against gallstones, constipation, diabetes, gout, etc.

Bicarbonate springs (baking soda springs)

It is a colorless and transparent Onsen. Because it contains baking soda, it softens the surface of the skin through the emulsification phenomenon, washes away fat and secretions, and makes the skin smooth and smooth after bathing. It is also called "beauty bath" because the skin is smooth as if it were washed with soap. Also, just by washing your hair and rinsing it with hot water, you can get a shiny and smooth finish. It is said to be effective for cuts, burns, chronic skin diseases, etc.


Nasu Onsen uses a spring that springs from the vast foot of Mt. Chausu, the main peak of the Nasu Federation, which is the only active mountain in Tochigi Prefecture. Mt. Chausu is said to be the last mountain formed by the Nasu Volcanic Belt, and its altitude is 1,915 m, and it still boasts a spring water volume of more than 9,000 liters per minute while emitting white plumes, ranking ninth in Japan.

The history of Nasu Onsen is long, and it is said that it was discovered about 1390 years ago by Saburo Kano Yukihiro, a county priest in this area, while hunting deer.

According to tradition, when Saburo Yukihiro Kano chased a white deer that had failed to shoot and went into a deep valley, a white-haired old man who claimed to be the god of Onsens appeared, and when he searched for the deer according to his advice, he found a deer that was soaking in the Onsen and healing the wound of the arrow. It is said that Saburo Kano named the Onsen "Shika-no-yu" and built the Onsen forest (now Nasu Onsen Shrine) and dedicated the deer antler that was shot.

The "Shika-no-yu" opened in this way is the 32nd oldest Onsen discovery in Japan, and the oldest in Tochigi Prefecture after Shiobara and Nikko. Along with the same Kanto Onsen resorts, Atami, Shushoji, Kusatsu, Ikaho, etc., it has long been known throughout the country as a famous Onsen in Japan with a long history and has continued to heal many Onsen guests.

In the Shōsōin document "Suruga Kokusho Tax Book" written in the Nara period, there is a description that Ono Asomi accompanied 12 of his followers to Nasu Onsen for Onsen treatment, and it can be seen that Nasu Onsen was already known to the capital of Nara and was used as a Onsen resort.

Since then, there have been descriptions of celebrities visiting in numerous literatures, and it seems that they have continued to heal the people of Ooku. In the Edo period, the roads were improved, the common people began to rub the sound, and the Onsen area expanded.

By that time, Onsens had already been discovered one after another, following "Itamuro", "Santoya", "Daimaru", "Kita", "Benten", "Kaohsiung" and "Shikanoyu", and it seems that they were called "Nasu Nanayu".

After the Meiji era, "Hachiman" was discovered, and in the Taisho period, "Asahi", "Iimori", and "Guo Gong" were discovered, and "Shin Nasu", which is a reference to the spring water of "Daimaru", was added to the Nasu Jujiyu, but now it is mainstream to call it Nasu 11 Yu, except for Itamuro, which is somewhat geographically far away.

After the war, with the opening of the Tohoku Expressway and the Tohoku Shinkansen, it began to gain popularity as a vacation home area, and accommodation facilities such as dormitories, recreational facilities, and pensions increased.

Along with this, the number of recreational and tourist facilities such as theme parks increased, and the demand for Onsens increased even more, and it developed into the "international tourist destination Nasu" that it is today.
