Rekishi no yado KANAGUYA

Shibu Onsen / Nagano

Public OnsenPrivate OnsenOnsen in room

The source, the architecture, the onsen town. An inn where you can experience the old culture of Japan.

KANAGUYA is a traditional Japanese inn that allows you to experience authentic Japanese lodging unchanged over time. For example, you can sit on tatami mats made of woven grass in a room constructed of wood and earth, enjoy Japanese tea at a low table, and sleep on cotton futons laid directly on the floor. Beyond hot springs and Japanese cuisine, KANAGUYA offers experiences of genuine Japanese culture that are gradually being lost.

The source, the architecture, the onsen town. An inn where you can experience the old culture of Japan.

KANAGUYA is a traditional Japanese inn that allows you to experience authentic Japanese lodging unchanged over time. For example, you can sit on tatami mats made of woven grass in a room constructed of wood and earth, enjoy Japanese tea at a low table, and sleep on cotton futons laid directly on the floor. Beyond hot springs and Japanese cuisine, KANAGUYA offers experiences of genuine Japanese culture that are gradually being lost.

Type of bath

Public Bath / Open-air bath

Public Bath / Indoor bath

Private Bath / Indoor bath

Water Data

  • Shibu Onsen

    Water Quality
    Sulfate springs / Chloride springs
    At KANAGUYA, all the hot water from the hot water outlet and even from the faucet comes from the hot spring itself, which springs from the fountainhead. It is a 100% free-flowing volcanic high hot spring. There is one open-air bath for men and one for women. There are two indoor baths (men's and women's baths change according to the time of day). There are 5 private baths (free of charge, no reservation required). Hot spring with high sodium and calcium content. It also contains some sulfur.
    The benefits of hot springs include relief from chronic muscle and joint pain or stiffness, muscle stiffness in post-stroke paralysis, poor circulation, digestive issues, mild hypertension, diabetes, mild hypercholesterolemia, mild asthma or emphysema, hemorrhoid pain, autonomic instability, symptoms caused by stress (such as sleep disorders and depression), recovery from illness, fatigue recovery, and health promotion. Additionally, hot springs can be effective for skin diseases (such as atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, chronic eczema) and dry skin.

Accommodation service

Language Spoken

  • Japanese
  • English
  • Chinese
  • Korean
  • Others


Features and services

bath facilities

  • Sauna
  • Massage
  • Bedrock bath
  • Cold bath
  • Jet bath
  • Open air bath
  • Electric bath

bath services

  • Towel rental
  • Yukata rental
  • Locker
  • Hair dryer
  • fan
  • Water server

accomodation services

  • Wi-Fi
  • Parking
  • Elevator
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Shuttle bus
  • Restaurant
  • Cafe


Wifi is only available around Lobby and few places in the facility. (not available in rooms)


Rekishi no yado KANAGUYA
Check in
Check out
Onsen open hour
15:00~24:00 / 5:00~9:30
nothing special
Credit CardCashElectric money


2202 Heian, Yamanouchi-cho, Shimotakai-gun, Nagano 381-0401

Public transportation
TrainYudanaka Station2.2km
TrainNagano station32km
TrainKanazawa station250km
TrainTokyo Station264km
BusYudanaka Station2.2km
Closest airports
Shinshu Matsumoto Airport103km